
President Obama Needs to Use The Big Stick Approach to Save ACA

Republicans Plan to use ACA (Affordable Healthcare Act) like a chain around the Democrats neck. According to John Boehner (Speaker of the House), they plan to continue using so called bad stories about ACA (or just lies) right up to the 2014 elections. 

If the Democrats do not develop an offensive strategy to counter this approach, they will lose control of both houses in 2014. So I have some suggestions for President Obama and the Democrats. Firstly, they must do a better job of promoting stories of people who have gotten affordable insurance for the first time in their life.  We are being bombarded with all this negative crap everyday. Secondly, his administration need to organize an army of people in the neighborhoods who will go door to door to sign people up in their homes, offices, college campuses and businesses.  Thirdly, President Obama is not running again, so he should use the "Big Stick Approach". He should be taking names and kicking butts. 

Extremist Republicans who are trying to sabotage ACA should be called out and targeted for 2014. Fourth, The American people are very short sighted. The President has to do a better job of explaining the financial connection between people with and without insurance. Around 70% of Americans have some type of insurance, and they are not willing to risk having their own personal insurance impacted by ACA. The Obama Administration needs to explain that the cost of healthcare will continue to rise as long as 40 million people do not have any insurance. The hospitals have to spread the cost by increasing basic services. The hospitals spread the cost of care by padding your bill and mine. 

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