Showing posts with label Affordable Care Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affordable Care Act. Show all posts

New Official Data For

As of today 26,794 has signed up through the federal exchange.
106,185 have signed up on the state exchange
One million has picked a plan but has not completed the process

50,000 People Have Sign-up For have sign-up only 50,000 people according to the major media stations. The projected goal is suppose to be around 500,000 by the end of November according to official from the Obama Administration. The Obama adm. said that they will release the numbers to the media around the end of November. The site is also suppose to be up and running by the end of the Month. If the site is not up by the end of the month, someone had better do some serious PR work.

The Marketplace for Small Businesses

The Marketplace for Small Businesses

Everybody have the right to have quality healthcare. Go to

Life Without Health Insurance: Jaime's Story

Life Without Health Insurance: Jaime's Story

Life Without Health Insurance: Jaime's Story

Everybody have the right to have quality healthcare. Go to

I Don't Have Insurance: Lupita's Story

Everybody have the right to have quality healthcare. Go to

I Don't Have Insurance: Lupita's Story

I'm Young and I Need Health Insurance: Malik's Story

Signing up for

I'm Young and I Need Health Insurance: Malik's Story

Republicans Want to kill Healthcare

Republicans want to kill healthcare care, what do you think? Should everyone be able to get affordable health care

Deep Red Southern States Want Get Cheap Healthcare

If you are poor in a Deep Red States such as Texas, Alabama and others, you want be getting cheap health care because they opposed the Healthcare Bill. What do you think, should the people in these states demand affordable heathcare?