
The Great threat to Democracy

Raymond Glenn The greatest threat to American democracy is coming from far-right extremist elements within the party of Lincoln. Far-right extremist groups have always existed in both political parties but were unable to gain complete control over the party's apparatus until the presidency of Donald Trump. During the Civil War In 1865, democracy was threatened by southern slaveholders who were attempting to defend social and cultural norms associated with slavery; it survives by working out a compromise with former slaveholders. As Americans, we all need to pay close attention to this dangerous trend in the Republican Party because it has similar aspects associated with Nazism in Germany prior to the rise Adolf Hitler. Totalitarian states do not develop overnight, but gradually. Hitler came to power in Germany after losing several political battles. In 1933 he was appointed Chancellor by President Paul Von Hindenburg through a series of parliamentary elections associated with backroom intrigues. After being appointed Chancellor, he began slowly outlawing and smashing democratic institutions. Politicians and businessmen sought appeasement rather than fight to protect democratic institutions. After gaining complete control over the state, Hitler began transforming the German state into a war economy with the intent of conquering Europe for the benefit of the so-called Aryan race. The threat to democracy today is mainly due to naturally occurring demographic changes which some Americans view as a threat to their way of living. Many people voted for Donald Trump because he was able to articulate and develop a political platform based on that fear. Donald Trump was viewed as the Great White Hope. As long as he articulated their fear of the future it did not matter that he was known as the most corrupt businessman in America. Hard core extremist were willing to support him as long as he advance their white nationalist views. After Trump became president, he gave many of them positions in his government. Steve Miller who was an open white supremacist were given a position as speech written and advisor. Racist organizations like the Proud Boys, and the KKK and many others developed an open public profile. Most historians agree that if Trump had not been defeated in the last election, American Democracy might have not survived. Even though Trump is no longer in office, party leaders are still pledging their allegiance to him. They are continuing to purge all moderate members who refuse to buy into the lie that the democrats did not win the last election. Everyone knows he organized and led the January 6 assault on the capital, yet both parties are unable to agree to some type of commission to investigate the January 6 assault on the capitol. Republicans are continuing to spread the lie and using it as an excuse to continue their attack on the electoral process. Democracy cannot exist if people are not given equal access to the ballot box. The absent of democracy will eventually lead to social unrest. It is extremely important that we get organize and push back against far-right extremism in American society. We cannot rely on politicians or the media to push back, we must do it ourselves.

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