
The Affordable Health Care Website is Up and Working Much Better

The Affordable Health Care Website is working much better. The Obama Administration said that by November 28, the site should be able to work for the majority of people. The only problem is that nobody knows how many people will be able to complete the entire process by March 1, 2014. If the site is not processing 80 to 90% of the clients correctly, they may not be able to meet their objections by March 1, 2014. They need young people to sign-up to keep the risk pool low and affordable for the majority of people. If the site is not working, young people might give up and not register. Also, the Tea Party Republicans might be able to convince enough people not to bother signing up. There are so many lies being spread about ACA. Obama must take the big stick approach to deal with these lies. He needs to spend a lot of time on the road to convince the majority of people that ACA will eventually work ok after one or two years. We are also not hearing about the good stories concerning ACA. People who have successful signed-up and got lower premiums, parents who have been able to keep their kids on their insurance, and people not being dropped for pre-conditions need to share their stories. The Tea Party Republicans have only been willing to find people who they claim are getting their policies dropped and ending up with higher premiums. If you know people who have successful gotten through the process and are happy with their insurance, encourage them to share their stories on Facebook and Twitter.

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