
Virginia Rigged Election backfires

By now everyone knows that the Democrats defeated the Virginia Republican attempts to rigged the November 5 elections. Around 2,212,255 people showed up to vote. In order to suppress the vote, Cuccinellli purged about 40,000 people from the voting rolls. Most of the 40,000 people purged lived in the Fairfox county area which is mostly Democratic. Most of these voters were legal and had to cast provisional ballots. The

Virginia election committee has a mess on their hands now because there are 117 votes between conservative Republican state Senator Mark Obenshain and Democratic state Senator Mark Herring for attorney general. As for now, Democrat Obenshain is in the lead by a few votes. Since most of the provisional ballots is coming from the Democratic precincts, he will probable win the Attorney General seat. The Republican Party will go the way of the whigs if they keep suppressing the democratic process because they will loose all creditability as a legitimate political party.

For Governor: McAuliffe got 48 percent of the vote to 45 percent for Cuccinelli.
Libertarian Robert Sarvis got 7 percent of the vote

For lieutenant governor: Democrat Ralph Northam, defeated Republican E.W. Jackson,
The Story is still out on the Attorney General position because there is only 117 votes seperate the candidates.

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