
Republicans Triple Down on Their War against the Poor


Republicans Triple Down on Their War against the Poor

Immigration Bill
John Boehner said that he would not be bringing up an immigration bill this year after weeks of telling the public they had laid out principles for the immigration bill. He stated on Thursday "There's widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce our laws, and it's going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes," Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters Thursday. Critics claim he changed his mind after Tea Party Republicans warned him that he would loose his speakership if he tried to bring a bill to the floor. But rather than be honest, we get this “blame on President Obama bull”.

Unemployment Insurance
The Senate introduced an unemployment Bill to help 1.7 million workers who have ran out of unemployment. Majority Speaker Harry Reed Introduced a 3 month unemployment bill in the senate but it failed to get enough votes to pass. The vote was 58 to 40, just two votes short needed for it to be veto prove. Even if the bill had passed the senate, Republican Congressman Paul Ryan made it clear that if the bill came to the house, they would vote it down.

Food Stamps
The Republican Party in the house separated the Snap Program from the Farm bill and tried to cut 40 billion dollars from the bill. The bill, written under the direction of the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia would make the cuts over a 10 year period. The Democrats negotiated with the Republicans and agreed to an 8 billion dollar cut. Most of the people on food stamps are workers who have lost their jobs, military soldiers returning from Afghanistan and Iraq and older senior Americans. Food pantries are struggling to keep their pastries stocked because the demand is so great.

As voters we need to make our choices known at the ballot box and through local community actions. If we allow them to continue their war on the middle class and poor we have ourselves to blame.

House Republicans Pass Deep Cuts in Food Stamps

Boehner: Distrust of Obama drags down immigration bill

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