
Republicans Using McCarthy like Tactics

GOP Restless Obsession

The Republican Party is using McCarthy type tactics to advance their political Agenda. Joseph Raymond "Joe" McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an Republican from Wisconsin and he served in the senate from (1947-1957). During the Cold War period, McCarthy claimed that he had a list of 205 people in the state department who were communist and spies for the Soviet Union. He also used intimidation and threats to expel members of congress who he accused of being homosexuals. He used these demagogic and unsubstantiated allegation to boost his political career.

Darrell Issa (Republican, California) Chairman of the Oversight committee in congress is using some of the same tactics which McCarthy used in 1947. He has had several hearing to uncover what he thinks are lies and illegal practices associated with the Obama Administration.


Issa said the State department was really stonewalling about what really happen in Benghazi Libya. He said that the embassy had requested more security which the state department denies. The State Department said that more security was offered but the embassy officials in Benghazi rejected it. The official position out of the state department was that an anti-Islamic video which was produced here provoked a terrorist attack on the embassy. The Obama Administration claim that it was a terrorist event which Chairman Issa denies. Several hearings has been conducted and no new facts has emerged.


Issa claimed that the Obama Administration used the the IRS to target Tea Party organizations who applied for 501(c) (4) status. After an investigation, it was determined that democratic and Republicans organizations were also targeted by the IRS. The head of the IRS, Lois Learner has refused to testify based on her Fifth Amendment rights. Issa stated that he will hold her in contempt for refusing to answer questions. Elijah Cummings (Democratic on the oversight committee) stated that he cannot legally hold Lois Learner in contempt because during the last hearing he abruptly shut down the hearings before asking her to testify again. To keep any democrats from protesting against holding Lois Learners for contempt, Issa said that he will take the vote behind doors. Cummings’s office is releasing research Wednesday showing the majority of the previous times Congress took such a step were during McCarthy’s investigations. Elijah Cummings on the oversight committee had his microphone turned off when Issa prematurely determine that since Lois learner was not going to testify, the hearing was over. Congressman Cummings protested and claim that Chairman Issa was dis-respecting him as a ranking committee member.

Read more:

The Cold War Museum

Joseph McCarthy

Elijah Cummings: Darrell Issa's McCarthyism

Read more:

People are Drawing the Wrong Lesson from the IRS 501(c)(4) Scandal


Representative Cummings' Hypocrisy at Bengazi-Gate Hearings

"Bengazi-Gate" State Department St onewalling and Surprise Maneu

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