
The Uninsured rates are Dropping

Uninsured rates drop faster in states embracing Obamacare: Study

By Morgan Whitaker

The Affordable Care Act is working better in states that have worked to fully implement the law.

That’s the conclusion from a new Gallup survey that found the uninsured rate for adults dropped faster in recent months in states that implemented Medicaid expansion and set up their own exchanges in the health insurance marketplace, compared with those that didn’t.

The uninsured rate for those 18 and older dropped by 2.5% on average in the 21 states, and Washington, D.C., where governments implemented the two central Affordable Care Act provisions. The 29 the states that implemented only one or neither provision saw their uninsured rates drop by a mere 0.8%.

An earlier Gallup survey showed that states opting out of Medicaid expansion, on average, had higher uninsured rates to begin with. And the slower rate of decline in recent months means states without Medicaid expansion or its own insurance exchange (or both) now have an average uninsured rate of 17.9%, compared with states with both, which have a 13.6% uninsured rate. In the last quarter of 2013, states that had not implemented both provisions had an average uninsured rate of 18.7%, compared with 16.1% in states that had.
0% in the third quarter of 2013. According to the most recent Gallup data, it has dropped to 15.6% since the open enrollment began.

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