
OP.Ed: Why Donald Sterling should sell the Clippers and put his money else where

Why Donald Sterling should sell the Clippers and put his money else where

When Donald Sterling girlfriend published the tapes of him going off on a racist rank, she did the whole world a favor. It does not matter whether she set him up or not. It was his voice on the tapes, so that matter is closed. As others have pointed out, this guy has a history of engaging in racist behavior. So this should be seen as a teachable moment for us. He is not the only one in the sport's World who think and act the same way. So let us send out a warning to those who hold similar views. If you are a racist and a public figure and get caught making racist statements, we are coming for you too. Others have pointed out that Sterling maintains a slave type mentality toward his players. As long as African Americans run up and down the basketball court and make money for this idiot, he should have kept his racist views to himself. The person that he was ranting about folks was Magic Johnson. Magic is a successful businessmen and a sports hero. He is a beloved figure in the Black community. He have given millions of dollars to support community programs which help young black and white kids, Many of us would love to take a picture with Magic and get an autograph from him. Magic is not going to rest until this guy is gone. As a Black American, I and others have a responsibility to protect young adults when they become victim’s of racist attacks. I am old enough to be the parent of many Clipper players. When they are being harmed by ignorance bigots, we as parents have a responsibility to protect our children. If this racist does not sell the team, the players should boycott the NBA.

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