
Comments Removed by MSNBC

On Wednesday June 18, 2014 I joined a discussion on MSNBC concerning a remark that Chuck Todd made after analyzing statistical data associated with the Obamaa Administration. He stated that based on his statistical analysis, the American people was telling the president that his administration was over. His statement led to a barge of criticism from all of us who are supporters of the president. While  criticizing his analysis, I used language which MSNBC said was inappropriate so they removed my comments. For those who would like to read my comments here in the full text. :

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Chuck Todd should stick to reporting and stop engaging in historical analysis which has no grounding in today's political realities. Obama has fooled many of his enemies in the past. The fact is that his rating is linked to the rating coming out of congress. The Republican Party's approval rating is in the tank and lower than Obama's ratings. The Republican's Party's rating is linked to their strategic plan of stopping any meaningful legislation from getting threw congress. Since he is the president, he has to take the blame since the buck stops at his office. The Republican Party is willing to embrace any racist or KKK organization as long as they are anti-Obama. They are destroying race relations in this country. Most of the American people know very little about internal politics because most hate politics and crazy news reporters talking out of their ass. They only react to what is happening to them in their personal lives. The job of news reporters is to raise the level of discussion. During opinion polls which are designed to keep you in the news won’t work in the long run

I am a big supporter of MSNBC because most of their news coverage is fair and balance. In the past I will watch my language so that I will not give them an excuse to censure my comments. In the future, those of us who have a more balance view of what is happening in D.C. must speak up
Many news stations constantly go on a diatribe about what the president is or not doing without giving the public a more accurate picture of what is happening in D.C. The Republican Party ‘s has an approval rating of 7%. So why talk about the president’s rating which is 41% without talking about what is pulling his rating down. The American people are angry because nothing is getting done in Washington D.C. If Bill Clinton was president, his rating would also be in the tank. They are not rejecting Obama because of his leadership, they are simply saying my situation is not getting any better, and since you are president, you must take the blame. Most of the president’s legislation is supported by the public. For example, immigration, healthcare, environmental pollution, gay rights and abortion has the approval of the public. If the president can convince the American people to vote their interest in 2014, he can deliver on the things that are important in their lives. If you are one of those who constantly criticize the president but seldom go out and vote, you have no right to complain.

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