
Chicago: A case of chickens coming home to roost

Chicago: A case of chickens coming home to roost
Donald trump represent the personification of hate and anger that has been developing unabated in the Republican Party for over the last 8 years. Republicans are during themselves a disservice by trying to shift the focus on the president or the angry protesters responding to hate. The Republicans have sown the seeds of hate by supporting the Tea Party concept that “they want their country back”. OK, let’s deal with the concept that someone has taken the country from them. The concept drums up the image in America that it is them or us. Who is the them are us? It does not take a brain surgeon to summarized that the them are us are Blacks and minorities who are perceived as making progress at the expense of the majority of Whites. Instead of the Republican Party trying to expel this notion, they have stoked the fires and used it to campaign on and increase their numbers in the senate and congress.
People tend to have short memories, so let’s talk about facts. Donald Trump was not the first person who claimed that the president was not an American and that his presidency was illegal. It was folks associated with the Tea Party and other extremist hate groups who promoted the idea in the senate and the congress. The different with Donald Trumps and all those hiding in the closets of the senate and congress is that he is willing to say publicly what they are only willing to say behind doors. His justification is that since he is not politically correct (PC), this gives him the right to insult a large segment of the American people.
The President have been successful in taking the country out of the Bush Recession and create millions of Jobs. Gas prices are the lowest in 20 years and unemployment is running about 4.9 percent. The problems why some Americans are still upset in spite of the economic progress is that a large segment of people have seen their incomes plummet and the values of their homes lowered. Members of congress have refused to pass a wage increase or allocate monies for rebuilding decaying city infrastructures. The Republican strategy is to give the president nothing so that he will fail. They are willing to divide the country up along racial lines and put the economy in danger just to win public office. Let’s unite against this kind of hate and divisive politics: “The people united cannot be defeated”.

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