
Pastor Mark Burns is a House Negro

In one of his speeches, Malcolm X talked about Field Negros and House Negros during the time of slavery. Negros who work in the house of the slave master were more concerned about the well being of the slave master rather than their own ability to live as free men and women. Negros who worked out in the field spent most of their time plotting revolts and running away. Pastor Burns who just spoke at the Republican Convention and denounced “the Black Lives Matter” movement is what we called a House Negro back in the day. Donald Trumps has a “0” rating among African Americans. No president, (Republican or Democrat) has ever had a “0” rating among African Americans. If a loud mouth pastor like Mark Burns thinks that he can convince us to vote for Trump by screaming like some idiot on a stage, he is just wasting his energy. The Black Lives Matter slogan does not promote exclusion, but inclusion. The slogan was designed to bring about awareness of police brutality and economic despair in our communities. It does not exclude Latinos, Asians, Muslims and others who are subjected to some of the same disparities. Have a nice weekend Facebook friends.

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