
Dear Democrats and Progressives on the Left

Dear Democrats and Progressives on the Left
Many of us have been going through psychological stress concerning the election of Donald Trump. Some compatriots told me they are physically sick over this election. Here is some news that will perhaps relief some of the psychological stress. The news media gave Trump over 1 billion dollars of free advertisement to get him elected. Now they tell us to move on, the election is over. They claim that the democratic party and the progressive movement is fractured and need to do some inside soul searching. Well, that is a bit true, but both parties are fractured. Our differences are centered around tactics and strategies, the divisions in the Republican Party are based on ideology. Donald Trump, (President elect) is moving the party to the extreme right. The Republican Party is on life support because they adopted a scorched-earth policy to win at any cost. Over the last 8 years they have engaged in voter suppression, re-drawing unconstitutional districts and linking their party to White supremacy organizations. Donald Trump’s goal is to use the party as an instrument for economic self-aggrandizement. Thus, he and his family will end up with many self-interest conflicts. I am personally predicting that in 6 months we will hear calls for impeachments. Of course, this will fall on deaf ears because the Republicans have control of both houses, but never the less, others will raise the question of impeachment. What we progressives must do as the Republican Party is destroyed by Donald Trump is to start building strong community organizations around the country. Our task is to save democracy in this country, not just to elect another politician. We lost the election because we could not convince progressives that our democracy was at risk. Progressives and fake leftist spent too much time attacking each other on miner BS. They refuse to acknowledge Trump as the main danger to democracy rather than Hillary Clinton’s email problems and her Wall Street connections. At each stage of our struggle, we need to determine what or whom represent the greatest threat to democracy. I have been fighting and joining progressive organizations for over 30 years. I view the present situation as a bump in the road. Donald Trump’s new billionaire club will fall apart because of self-interest and careerism. They will constantly be in never ending economic fights based on how to divide up the country and the world among themselves. As we set back and watch the Republican Party destroy itself, let’s get organize and cut out all the minor BS fights.

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