
White Nationalism on the rise

Hate is on the rise in the United States and all over the world. One reason for this social phenomenon is because we have a president who refuse to condemn many of the groups promoting racism, antisemitism and homophobia. When 50 Moslem's were gunned down in New Zealand this week, he told one of the reporters he disagreed with those who pointed out that white supremacy was on the rise around the world. He will not condemn them because many are a part of his political base. They see him as the great "White Hope". The person who killed 50 Muslims In New Zealand even mentioned him in his manifesto. Those who refuse to speak out against this kind of violence and hate or a part of the problem, not the solution. We have an opportunity to restore some sense of decency in our politics and social life. If we fail, hate and violence will consume everyone in this country and around the world. No one will be safe. It doesn't matter whether you live in a rich gated community or somewhere in the woods. We will all become victims of violence and hate. Here all some things we can all do. Put up a sign in your yard denouncing hate and organize neighborhood groups to watch people who you see collecting large amounts of guns, explosives and engaging in violence hate speech. Vote and promote candidates who have taken a pledge to root out violence and racism. Attend or organize demonstrations against those promoting hate. I am not saying this will solve the problem because racism is deeply embedded in American institutions, but it is at least a start.

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