
Racist Disrespecting The Office of the Presidency

I wrote a short paragraph months ago warning that the Tea Party was being infiltrated by racist groups operating on the fringes of society. Most of these racist groups have headquarters in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. As many of you might know, Georgia was the logistic center of the War Between the States. They refuse to acknowledge that the son of a slave have acquired the highest office in the country. What they don't seem to understand or care is that they are just not being disrespectful to the president, but doing damage to the institution and the American economy.

We all need to stand strong and remind the media that this is not just another left or right-wing group being disrespectful to the office of the president. President Obama will go down in history as the first Black President. All of the policies associated with his presidency will be reviewed and debated for the next 100 years. Historians will have to acknowledge that he was never accepted by a small minority of bigots coming from the civil war states.

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