
Tea Party Holds March Against the Shut Down

Tea Party Holds March against the Shut Down

On October 13, 2014 the Tea Party Republicans held a rally at the White House. The keynote speakers were Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. Some of the members of the party were caring the Confederate Flag of the old South. Some were calling Obama a Muslim, while others were shouting racist slurs at the capital police.

One of the speakers stated that he wanted President Obama to leave the White house on his needs or be impeached. At this hour, no mainstream member of the Republican Party has denounced this speakers’ statements at the rally. If you would like to read more, check out these sources:

Confederate flag at a tea party rally? Perfect

Tea Partiers shout racist slur at White House cops: “Looks like something out of Kenya

Exploding Tea Party Protester Threatens Interviewer (Original)


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