
OP-Ed: Senseless Gun Violence

OP-Ed: Senseless Gun Violence

An ex-cop shoots a man in a Florida movie theater over texting
According to an eye witness, an argument broke out concerning a man using his cell phone to call his daughter in a Florida Theater. The man with the gun asked the guy to put his cell phone away. They both got into an argument and someone started throwing popcorn. The man on the phone was setting with his wife. The ex-cop became angry and pulled out his concealed gun. The man’s wife put up her hand to block the gun and was wounded, but her husband did not survive the gun shot. I hope everyone is paying attention to this senseless killing. The man is being charge with 2nd-degree murder. Florida has a “Stand Your Ground Law” and people are allowed to carry concealed weapons in public places. Until us “the People” decide that we have had enough of these
type of killings, they will continue. Guns are falling into the hands of people with short fuses, so all of us who don’t believe in caring guns in public will become victims of these fools. Stay tune folks because more killings are coming.

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