
Breaking News: Republicans and Democrats have reached a bipartisan spending bill

The Republicans and Democrats have reached an agreement on a $1.012 trillion dollar spending bill. The bill will roll back some spending cuts and increase Federal and Military pay. Federal and military workers will receive a 1% pay increase. They have not received a pay increase in 3 years. The agreement would also protect disabled veterans and military spouses from pension cuts which were suppose to go into affect in 2015. Both sides are claiming victory. The Democrats got a 1 billion dollar increase in Head Start; Senate Appropriations Chairman Barbara Mikulski was a big winner. She is a former social worker. She got approval to spend millions of dollars to improve mental health programs.

The Republicans got cuts to their two unfavorable programs: the IRS and EPA. The IRS spending will be rolled back to 2009 levels and they got a 20 cut in the EPA budget. The Republicans claim that they got a 164 billion decrease in the budget since George Bush left office. If you would like to read more, check out CNN's article.

Pushing past partisanship Congressional leaders back $1 trillion spend bill.

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